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Anders' Kayak Build 2025


Anders' build class is back at Delmarva

Registration for the kayak build class is now closed.

The Delmarva Paddlers Retreat’s traditional Greenland skin-on-frame kayak building class is back ! We heard the calls to bring is back to Camp. So we have. 


The build class will begin Saturday morning, Oct 4th, through Thursday, Oct 9th. Then you will be able to enjoy your new "ride" at the Delmarva Paddlers Retreat. 


Your instructor, Anders Thygesen of Vestfossen, Norway, is an accomplished kayak builder, paddle maker, and expedition kayaker. He has supported his kayaking habit (and family) by building traditional qajaqs since 1996. His partner, Jannie Heegaard, a similarly accomplished kayaker, has assisted Anders build classes for several years. She will be on hand to guide your build and help you finish your kayak within the timeframe of the class. Anders and Jannie are favorite guests at Delmarva, and have taught several build classes through the years.


Anders models his build classes on the best tradition of the Inuit, where skills are passed on from person to person. You will enjoy the opportunity to personalize the kayak as you wish, both in form and function, as each participant builds their own kayak from scratch. We use simple hand tools, and while some instruction will be available in use of the tools, the student needs to have a working knowledge of planes, chisels and small hand saws. After an intense week of hard work, you should leave the Retreat with a completed skin-on-frame kayak. You may want to spend a little more time afterwards sanding, polishing, painting and performing other finishing touches on your new baby.


Learn more about Anders and what he does at Kajakkspesialisten.  

And don't miss his blog

Grab your favorite beverage before you sit down – you’ll want to watch all of his videos! 


Also, here’s Peter Gengler's time-lapse film of Anders' kayak build

at the 2017 Delmarva Paddlers Retreat.


Further details of the class and pricing.


Registration is currently closed for 2025

Email us if you are interested. 

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